Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Please call our office at (208) 898-8999 to schedule.

Overuse of Medication


Do not take more medication than directed! If you run out of medication early, call our office for an appointment to discuss your use of the medication with your provider. The provider may or may not approve additional medication during this appointment.

If you will run out of medication before the provider can see you, the prover may approve a partial script at your prescribed dosage to last till appointment, but for a maximum of 7 days. We will not extend this period to accommodate a missed or rescheduled appointment.

We recommend that you keep your medications in a safe place. Do not take your entire supply on vacation or to your place of work. Do not keep more than a 1-2 day supply in your purse or other vulnerable areas. We will not replace medication that has been lost or stolen.