Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Please call our office at (208) 898-8999 to schedule.

Medication Side Effects


It is important to note that for the first week or so of a new medication, there may be unanticipated side effects. This is common, and usually over the second week these side effects will decrease as the benefits of the medication increase. For side effects that are mild to moderate, wait for a week or two with the expectation that they will dissipate. Only if side effects are extreme or increasing in intensity should you call for an urgent appointment. If you are concerned for your safety because of severe side effects, stop taking the medication causing the problem and call our office to make an urgent appointment. This recommendation only applies to new medications or changes in dose. Unless otherwise directed, continue taking any regular medications and/or return to your previous dose size.

Many medications can cause rashes, most of which are not serious, but some can be serious indeed. If you have developed an unfamiliar rash call or page immediately. Similarly, if you have developed a fever or swollen lymph nodes call or page immediately.